What We Do...

Helping to Control Controlled Substances

At OCES, we're combating the opioid epidemic through scientific innovation and intervention in healthcare systems that utilize controlled substances.

How We Do It...

Our goal is to identify and correct any deficiencies with respect to controlled substance licensing, ordering, procurement, receiving, storage, inventory control, record keeping, dispensing, utilization, transfer, wasting, and ultimate destruction in any healthcare setting, or by licensed practitioners, who handle these drugs. We do this to protect patients, healthcare personnel, and healthcare facilities from the harm associated with drug diversion.

In the healthcare setting, drug diversion occurs due to staff members and other entities who have access to controlled substances. Some of these are unscrupulous individuals who commit theft, divert, tamper, or use controlled substances in unauthorized fashion, usually through a secretive or deceptive practice that often goes undetected.

OCES uses a combination of on-site consulting, education and collaborative efforts with emphasis on regulatory compliance and best practices initiatives to uncover and correct this illegal activity. We strive to ensure that healthcare systems avoid liability issues, that they have full chain of custody of their narcotic supply and inventory, and that regulatory scrutiny is minimized.

We do this by reviewing their existing systems and processes with respect to all controlled substances, identifying gaps and areas for possible diversion, auditing all areas which utilize controlled substances, and by making appropriate recommendations to correct any underlying deficiencies.

The definitive outcome of our services is to ensure patient safety, uphold the public trust, and make sure the healthcare workplace, as it relates controlled substances, functions at optimal levels.

Help Us Make A Difference...

We seek grant support, financial assistance, and altruistic contributions to fund the services we provide. Healthcare systems pay nominal or no cost for our services, and there is total transparency with respect to how the funding we receive is utilized